Tag «curbside»

Examining the transition towards institutionalized practices in curbside management

Urban streets are contested public spaces due to their limited capacity and the diverse functions they serve. Despite their multifunctionality, the needs of specific users—such as freight and delivery services—have historically been neglected in urban space allocation policies, often at the expense of overall livability. Recently, freight curbside management has emerged as a strategy to …

CIDAUT uses artificial intelligence to monitor use of parking spaces

CIDAUT, in collaboration with the Valladolid City Council, is implementing various initiatives to enhance urban transportation, making it smarter and more sustainable. Among these initiatives, which encompass connectivity solutions and the decarbonization of mobility, researchers would like to introduce one focused on monitoring vehicles utilizing designated charge and discharge parking slots, particularly intended for last-mile …

Effects of freight curbside management on sustainable cities

Managing freight activities at curbsides has become a contentious issue as various stakeholders compete to access public urban space. While previous research has proposed solutions to alleviate conflicts arising from freight-related space use, there remains a need for a deeper understanding of how these interventions contribute to cities’ sustainable development goals. A new study presents …

Smart loading zones: a data analytics approach for loading zones network design

Urban public space commonly accommodates freight delivery operations through on-street (un)loading zones (LZ). Given the scarcity of public space and its demand by various users, city authorities face the challenge of effectively managing LZ by understanding freight curbside needs and utilization. Despite the popularity of technological solutions and enforcement practices among policymakers to capture curbside …

Digital smart zones help manage crowded urban streets

Exploding demand for curb space in urban areas has inspired new technologies like ‘digital smart zones’ that help cities manage those narrow but increasingly valuable tracts of real estate. Allowing delivery trucks to automatically reserve the precise chunk of concrete they need (two minutes from now or for the next two hours) helps keep traffic …

Research: do commercial vehicles cruise for parking?

Urban curb-space is a scarce resource that must satisfy the concurrent needs of an increasing number of users, including passenger, commercial, ride-hailing, and public transit vehicles. In particular, there is an increasing demand for curb-space for commercial vehicles to park, load/unload, and deliver goods as more people live in urban areas, order more things online, …