Tag «collaboration»

Collaborative distribution network design for sustainable parcel deliveries: a strategic modelling approach

The growth of e-commerce has driven higher demand for B2C transportation, creating challenges for urban distribution and upstream supply networks. Various sustainable transport strategies have been proposed to mitigate the impact of freight movement. However, these strategies must balance economic, environmental, and social considerations. A recent study evaluates a sustainable distribution strategy based on collaborative …

Research: shared-fleet operations in healthcare logistics between public organizations

Shared-fleet logistics involves collaboration between two or more companies to combine workloads and vehicle capacity to improve vehicle utilisation and transport efficiency and reduce costs. A recent study considers the potential environmental and economic benefits of implementing a shared-fleet collaboration between two public organizations: a local government authority and a National Health Service (NHS) Trust. …

Reducing city logistics footprint through collaborative cityhubs

City logistics is under attack with more car-free residential areas, congested inner cities, and pedestrianized campuses. In the following years, logistics service providers must deliver more volume with fewer vehicles, safer and cleaner. Logistics service providers should plan city logistics routes carefully, considering local regulations, zero-emission zones, road closures, times windows, loading and unloading points, …

Governance models for sustainable urban construction logistics: barriers for collaboration

Urban construction logistics has a big impact on cities. A paper by researchers from Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences looks at governance strategies for realizing more sustainable urban construction logistics. Practitioners have stressed the fragmented nature of the construction industry and the lack of collaboration in construction logistics as issues.

What potential is there for coordinating demolition waste in urban construction logistics?

The largest waste types in construction projects are surplus rock, stone fractions and other construction- and demolition waste, with a large potential for reuse and recycling. In order to fulfill national and international goals of 70 % material recovery from construction and demolition projects, it is necessary to facilitate adequate management of these waste flows.

Carrier cooperation: a case study in a Seville marketplace

In recent years, a social phenomenon is emerging cooperation in city logistics. A new research paper by Jesús Muñuzuri, Alejandro Escudero-Santana, and Pablo Aparicio Ruiz is aimed at evaluating the circumstances under which transport cooperation is possible between different stakeholders operating in the same geographical area. The research was conducted in a marketplace situated in …

Factor 6: Higher CO2 productivity in the transport sector? Only by working together

In recent years the transport sector has booked tremendous gains in terms of improving air quality. Unfortunately, its CO2 emissions have increased over the past 30 years, despite the major advances that other sectors have made in that area. During the 2016 National Climate Change Conference, various companies, levels of government and civil society organisations …