Tag «city logistics»

Smart loading zones in Barcelona (ES)

In 2015 Barcelona introduced regulated areas for Distribució Urbana de Mercaderies (DUM) areas for loading and unloading. Following the success of the pilot scheme in Passeig de Gràcia, the rest of the city got DUMs for the loading and unloading of goods. The designation of 9,000 parking places as DUM areas aims to update and …

City logistics in Amsterdam’s Oude Pijp district

At the request of Connekt, the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, EVO and LeanCargo Consultancy conducted research into deliveries in the Oude Pijp from April to August 2016. The City of Amsterdam and Amsterdam District South both collaborated in the project. The purpose of the research was to map the characteristics of the different delivery …

An analysis of online shopping and home delivery in the UK

UK Researchers recently published an analysis of online shopping and home delivery in the UK. The comprehensie report contains a review and analysis of online retail shopping and home delivery operations in the UK. It has been carried out as part of the EPSRC-funded Freight Traffic Control (FTC) 2050 project, which is investigating the scope …

Investigating the potential for off-hour deliveries in Rome

Italian researchers investigated the potential for off-hour deliveries (OHD) in the city of Rome (Italy). the study focused on amongst others retailers and HoReCa that play a fundamental role in the decision making process often determining delivery times. The study explored their preferences for three off-hour delivery scenario’s, namely: staffed OHDs (assisted), OHDs without staff present in …