Tag «city logistics»

Groningen (NL) pupils formulate ideas for future city logistics

In the past months, pupils from schools in the Dutch city of Groningen formulated ideas for future urban logistics in cooperation with students of the University of Groningen. ‘Web Expeditie Groningen‘ is a collaboration among the University of Groningen (UG), Public Education Groningen, the municipality of Groningen, Cisco and the Logistics Top Sector.

MAN Trucks presents e-trucks with Austrian partners

Joachim Drees, chairman of the Executive Board of Man Truck & Bus AG, and his board colleague Dr. Ulrich Dilling, responsible for production and logistics, handed over the first electric trucks of the type MAN eTGM at the Steyr production site at nine member companies of the Austrian Council for Sustainable Logistics (CNL).

MIT: e-commerce spurs innovation in last-mile logistics

We are seeing a growing body of research into last-mile logistics for delivery of products in cities. The growing congestion of cities and the explosion in e-commerce home delivery have challenged traditional last-mile logistics strategies that have focused on point-of-sale delivery. “In the city, shipments are typically much smaller and more fragmented than in regional transport,” …

Research: crowd logistics for parcel deliveries in Paris

Crowd logistics is an opportunity for logistics service providers intending to improve customer service, reduce costs, and satisfy their customers. Companies should be asking themselves, “how else can the consumer acquire and use the types of goods or services I currently provide and how might I innovate to capitalize on these possibilities?”.

City logistics: light and electric?

A new publication presents the results of the LEFV-LOGIC project: a two-year research into the use of light electric freight vehicles for city logistics. In this project Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and HAN University of Applied Sciences, together with logistics service providers, shippers, vehicle suppliers, network organizations, knowledge institutions, …