Tag «city logistics»

Research: usability of Physical Internet characteristics for sustainable urban freight

Urban freight logistics currently have to deal with multiple unsustainable conditions. Physical Internet (PI) characteristics promise to make urban freight logistics more sustainable. The PI is a vision that could fundamentally change current logistics operations. Montreuil even thinks that “we face a revolution as radical as the Internet Revolution.” Ballot et al. define the PI …

Exploratory scenario analysis: the future of urban logistics in 2040

Urban logistics is characterized by a high degree of freight flow fragmentation, the employment of various delivery methods, and the use of various vehicle capacities. Urban logistics is essential for inhabitants’ quality of life, both negatively and positively. It plays a prominent economic role with significant advantages for multiple stakeholders along complex, dynamic supply chains. …

On-Demand Logistics: solutions, barriers, and enablers

The urban freight sector provides an essential service by delivering goods that shops, companies, and households require at a specific place and time. However, the growth of e-commerce and the dawn of on-demand logistics (after this ODL) have raised citizens’ expectations of logistics systems, further stressing them and increasing their operational and environmental costs. There …

ReLUT eCARe project looks at charging infrastructure

The eCARe project is a process-based charging management concept for e-car logistics that began in 2021. Until now, research for electromobility has focused on component development or the creation of charging infrastructure for end customers. However, with increasing sales of e-vehicles and global production, there is a need for optimized logistics that take into account …

SURF Final Report gives insights on sustainable urban freight

After months of exploring the topics of Sustainable URban Freight and Zero-Emission Zones for freight – also known as ZEZ-F, the SURF project – a joint effort of Environmental Defense Fund Europe and POLIS Network officially ended. The SURF Final Report is a testament to this exciting and rich adventure. Building upon the How-to Guide on Zero-Emission Zones for Freight, the project has provided cities with …

Look back: webinar on Collaborative Urban Logistic

POLIS-ALICE jointly hosted the webinar on Collaborative Urban Logistics on May 24, 2022. If you could not join the event, the presentations and the recording of the session are now published on the ALICE website (link). This webinar invites current practitioners working on collaborative urban logistics, including platform operators, business representatives, and urban logistics hub …

Integration of urban freight transport in city planning: lessons learned

A paper by Astrid Bjørgen and Marianne Ryghaug explores how governing bodies and planning authorities in Norway take urban freight transport into consideration in three different cities. Based on empirical studies of actors and processes relevant to city planning, the paper highlights challenges in integrating urban freight transport considerations in city planning. The paper demonstrates how different planning …

Identifying the challenges to sustainable urban last-mile deliveries

Urban Freight Lab researchers have published a new paper, “Identifying the Challenges to Sustainable Urban Last-Mile Deliveries: Perspectives from Public and Private Stakeholders,” in Sustainability. This paper is part of the project on Roadblocks to Sustainable Urban Freight, funded by Amazon. Researchers interviewed stakeholders from both the public sector and private industry to identify and understand the barriers …

Die Zukunft liegt in kollaborativen Cityhubs

Die Stadtlogistik steht unter Beschuss durch immer mehr autofreie Wohngebiete, verstopfte Innenstädte und fußgängerfreundliche Campusse. Logistikdienstleister müssen mehr Volumen mit weniger Fahrzeugen, sicherer und sauberer liefern. Logistikdienstleister sollten ihre Fahrten sorgfältig planen und dabei die örtlichen Vorschriften berücksichtigen: Null-Emissionszonen, Straßensperrungen, Zeitfenster, Be- und Entladestellen, Verkehrssicherheit und Gewichtsbeschränkungen. Wann geht es mit einem großen Lkw, wann …