Developing a monitor for urban freight: what are the information needs?

The fast growth of cities and the rising number of their users leads to an increase in demand for freight transport contributing to an increase in logistic flow streams within a limited urban area. Currently, freight transport is usually done in an uncoordinated and chaotic manner. Specifying the information needs in the field of urban freight transport will make it possible to take control over the increasing disorder in this area and enable its development in accordance with the principles of sustainable growth.

Research by Iwan and Malecki (2016) is focused on the analysis realized under the project “Analysis of information needs of heterogeneous environment in sustainable urban freight transport system”.

The aim of the project is to determine the structures of data relevant for the management of sustainable UFT, establish the sources of data acquisition, the scope and degree of integration, and also indicate the methods of knowledge extraction from the acquired data and information, necessary for improving freight transport efficiency in cities.

The research paper is available on Researchgate.


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