I-CVUE is an ‘Intelligent Energy Europe Programme’ co-funded project. It has the ambition to reduce CO2-emissions in urban environments by increasing the number of electric vehicles (EV’s) in large fleets in urban areas by mentoring fleet operators and manager. The programme also resulted in a framework governments can use to set up tailor-made fleet incentive programmes to encourage the uptake of EV’s by using specific socio-economic indicators.
Partner FIER Automotive delivered a comprehensive study on boundary conditions for a successful uptake of EV’s in Europe and particular in the Netherlands. Within the sector, we also performed numerous ‘mentoring projects’ in which fleet managers were supported with their feasibility analyses, TCO-calculation (Total Cost of Ownership) and implementation of EV’s in their carpark.
To support professional fleet managers a free and online TCO-tool was developed. The web-based tool of I-CVUE could also help consumers to make the step towards thinking in TCO. But, as it is now the interface of the web-based tool is too complex for individual consumers.
For more information, click here.