The collaboration between the French associations Aslog, Institut du Commerce et Club Déméter has launched a joint initiative called Voluntary Commitment for an Efficient Urban Logistics (E.VO.L.U.E). By bringing together their teams, mobilizing their members and the pooling of their work and data, the initiative aims at building bridges with the territories by proposing solutions to urban logistics oriented corporate social responsibilities.
Urban distribution is a major issue for both public authorities and companies the three associations explain. There is an urgent need to structure the participatory approaches that involve these two stakeholders to develop efficient models, both in terms of operations and environmental footprint, as well as in terms of economic reality. As part of E.VO.LUE, it will be possible to suggest experiments with new solutions developed around four major levers with a positive impact on urban delivery:
- data
- the organization of the supply chain
- the operational resources and people
- delivery locations.