What is the potential for bicycle crowdshipping? Price of services is still a major issue

Wicaksono, Satrio (TU Delft Civil Engineering and Geosciences; TU Delft Transport and Planning) explored the potential for bicycle crowdshipping. This would be a potential alternative for future urban parcel deliveries. Understanding the supply and demand characteristics is essential for bicycle crowdshipping platforms to sustain its network of customers and couriers.

Delivering food for science?

When people see Jeroen Meijerink in his bright green ‘Uber Eats’ deliveryman outfit, they wonder whether the University of Twente (NL) scientist switched career paths. ‘No,’ answers the Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management, ‘it’s part of my research.’

What creates healthy cities?

A high diversity in land use of neighborhoods may be beneficial for the physical and mental health of the inhabitants. If confirmed, this may be incorporated into urban planning, in particular regarding the diversity of green space. This is the conclusion of study amongst 4450 Dutch residents.

Book: urban logistics

Approximately 80 percent of European and American citizens live in an urban environment. Due to their large populations and extensive commercial establishments, urban areas require large quantities of goods and services for commercial and domestic use.