Sidewalk Labs: innovation in local deliveries

An experiment in smart city design is being proposed in Toronto. Sidewalk Labs (Google affiliate) is partnering with Waterfront Toronto to create a mixed-use community on a 12-acre site east of downtown with innovative concepts in local deliveries, waste collection and construction logistics.

Hydrogen vehicles in city logistics: a TCO-analysis

A new paper by Sheffield University Management School progresses the discourse on hydrogen vehicles as viable strategic options for addressing sustainability concerns in city logistics, by undertaking a comprehensive total cost of ownership analysis. The outcomes from this study not only support the economic competitiveness of hydrogen vehicles but also analyze the implications of several future …

IFC: climate investment opportunities in cities

IFC (part of World Bank) estimates a cumulative climate investment opportunity of $29.4 trillion across six urban sectors in emerging market cities to 2030. The lion’s share of the opportunity is in green buildings ($24.7 trillion), covering both new constructions and retrofits, as cities race to accommodate their growing populations.

Dachser Germany wins award for city logistics

Dachser Germany won an award for city logistics with its combination of micro hubs, electric delivery bikes, and trucks. The jury recognized that the emission-free solutions take into account both social and economic aspects and that these can also be implemented for other logistics service providers.