Climate Group: leading businesses charge ahead with electric vehicles

More companies than ever are switching to electric vehicles, helping to combat air pollution in cities, lower business risk and realize low emission operations globally. The Climate Group’s first report on EV100, the global initiative to accelerate the shift to electric transport by 2030, showcases the leadership of multinational companies including Ingka Group (IKEA Group), Deutsche …

UK: the future of mobility

The UK ‘Future of mobility’ report looks out to 2040. It looks at the whole transport system – considering the users and goods. It considers new opportunities and the implications of current trends. It builds four plausible future scenario’s to help decision makers think about the future.

McKinsey: will the coming mobility revolution make urban traffic better?

Despite governments’ best efforts, traffic is getting worse in many cities, and urban mobility has become increasingly complex. Congestion carries health consequences, in the form of accidents and air pollution. Demographic trends will accentuate today’s strains, which aren’t solely about the movement of people. E-commerce is also growing fast, adding to the demand for urban commercial …

UPS joins reusable consumer packaging solution Loop

UPS has joined the coalition of the world’s largest consumer product companies and international recycling company TerraCycle to unveil an innovative reusable and returnable system for managing consumer product packaging. The system, called Loop, will be tested in Paris and New York as a first step toward full implementation in consumer markets.