China: personal postcode for everyone

China is giving everyone a personal postcode so delivery drones can find them The codes will make automated deliveries cheaper and easier as China contends with an aging population. One day, self-driving cars and drones could be responsible for delivering packages to your door. And in China, it could become easier than ever for the …

Park and parcel: are we walking or driving?

Light goods vehicles are an important part of London traffic. With changes to delivery demand and traffic patterns more broadly, they often have a big impact on cities. A group of researchers partnered with industrial organizations specializing in last-mile parcel delivery, thereby gaining access to data which allowed researchers to construct an agent-based model of the …

Best practices to improve heavy vehicle safety in urban freight

Heavy vehicle safety accreditation schemes exist within the UK for road safety in urban freight. These schemes are supported by a regulatory framework requiring minimum standards for road transport operators. Cities such as London and New York have introduced local regulations to improve the safety of heavy vehicles through requirements for improved driver field of view …

Parcels: consolidated delivery does not bring benefits?

According to a study by the German industry association BIEK, the area consolidation in the parcel delivery reduces neither cost nor traffic in cities. The Federal Association of Parcel and Express Logistics (BIEK) comes to this conclusion in its study “Quantitative study of consolidated delivery on the last mile using the example of two KEP …