World Economic Forum about the future of the last-mile ecosystem

Growing demand for e-commerce delivery will result in 36% more delivery vehicles in inner cities by 2030, leading to a rise in both emissions and traffic congestion without effective intervention. Without effective intervention, urban last-mile delivery emissions and traffic congestion are on track to increase by over 30% in the top 100 cities globally.
Valeo is unveiling its autonomous electric delivery vehicle at CES2020

As an automotive supplier specialized in developing electric, autonomous and connected vehicle technologies, Valeo is presenting its autonomous, electric delivery droid prototype, Valeo eDeliver4U, at CES 2020 in Las Vegas. Valeo developed the technology in partnership with Meituan Dianping, China’s leading e-commerce platform for services, which operates popular food delivery service Meituan Waimai.
Dutch Picnic: Milkman 2.0
US research: clean trucks are less clean than you might think

A new ICTT report assesses the real-world nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions behavior of heavy-duty diesel vehicles in the United States measured using portable emissions measurement systems (PEMS). This assessment is based on 160 PEMS tests from engines certified to 0.2 grams per brake horsepower-hour (g/bhp-hr) of NOx.
Could power fuels and biofuels meet our growing energy needs?

When you think about the energy transition, what images come to mind? Wind turbines in the sea? Arrays of solar panels? Maybe an electric truck? All these things will have a significant part to play in the world’s future energy systems. And all of them illustrate one of the defining characteristics of the change that …
VREF conference in Gothenburg (S): Oct 14-16, 2020

The 4rd VREF Conference on Urban Freight will present current issues influencing urban freight research and discuss the complexity of designing urban space and managing flows for liveable cities. The theme for the 2020 Conference will be “Urban freight and liveable cities: Interactions between planning, design, and business for scalable innovations”.
Cargo bike project: easy and green urban space transformers

Within the Metamorphosis project, the municipality of Tilburg (NL) is experimenting with the use of cargo-bikes to transport materials for “street openings,” temporary installations with primary schools, and for all kinds of open-air activities. The municipality is showing local citizens and professionals that cargo bikes are easy to ride, eco-friendly and can carry heavy items …
Exploring the future of city logistics via waterways

Smart, efficient and innovative solutions are needed to optimize urban transport. What distribution and infrastructure technologies have vast potential in providing integrated logistics solutions for the city of Amsterdam? What role could waterway networks play with regard to the transportation of people and goods?
ALICE launches the Roadmap Towards Zero Emissions Logistics 2050

In response to the Paris Agreement, more and more governments, associations and businesses are setting bold climate targets. The European Commission presented the European Green Deal with the ambition to be the first climate-neutral continent in the world by 2050. This will be achieved with a two-step approach, designed to reduce CO2 emissions by 50%, …