What potential is there for coordinating demolition waste in urban construction logistics?

The largest waste types in construction projects are surplus rock, stone fractions and other construction- and demolition waste, with a large potential for reuse and recycling. In order to fulfill national and international goals of 70 % material recovery from construction and demolition projects, it is necessary to facilitate adequate management of these waste flows.

How do you design a business ecosystem?

The challenge for companies is to develop new revenue models for city logistics. Business models that link innovative processes and technology (stuff) to the smart use of data (fluff). This requires collaboration between the government, entrepreneurs, and research. In recent years, many cities have focused on developing business ecosystems around knowledge institutes and business clusters …

Research: foresight research methods for sustainable urban freight transport for smart cities

A new paper by Zhangyuan and Haasis (2020) in Sustainability aims to construct a theoretical research framework for sustainable urban freight transport (SUFT) from the perspectives of future urban development and distribution innovations and appropriate research methods are discussed, as well. Urban freight transport plays a critical role in the promotion of sustainable and livable cities.

Caeli: how to measure air quality accurately and real time?

Air pollution? There are many models predicting air pollution levels. But, models are nor very accurate nor precise. Dutch company Caeli is the source of air quality and environmental data that enables businesses and individuals to make better decisions based on air pollution levels. Caeli provides solutions where artificial intelligence meets sensor data from multiple sources.

Parcel deliveries and parking: potential for improving productivity

Recent growth in e-commerce has impacted the distribution of parcel deliveries in cities, with residential deliveries accounting for a rapidly growing share of urban freight movement. Through field observation and development of a simulation model, a study by UTRC aims to investigate the characteristics of parcel delivery activity in a heavily residential area of Manhattan, …