Research: do commercial vehicles cruise for parking?

Urban curb-space is a scarce resource that must satisfy the concurrent needs of an increasing number of users, including passenger, commercial, ride-hailing, and public transit vehicles. In particular, there is an increasing demand for curb-space for commercial vehicles to park, load/unload, and deliver goods as more people live in urban areas, order more things online, …

Research: exploring benefits of cargo bikes versus trucks for urban parcel deliveries

Urban deliveries are traditionally carried out with vans or trucks. These vehicles tend to face parking difficulties in dense urban areas, leading to traffic congestion. Smaller and nimbler vehicles by design, such as cargo-cycles, struggle to compete in distance range and carrying capacity. However, a system of cargo-cycles complemented with strategically located cargo-storing hubs can …

Research: Evaluating Urban Logistics Schemes Using Agent-based Simulation

The domain of urban freight transport is becoming increasingly complex. Many urban supply chains are composed of small and independent actors that cannot efficiently organize their highly fragmented supply chains, thereby negatively affecting the quality of life in urban areas. Both companies and local administrators try to improve transport efficiency and reduce external costs, but …

Large growth in cargo bike sales

The EU-funded CityChangerCargoBike project released key results of the first European Cargo Bike Industry Survey. These results are based on anonymized sales data provided by 38 cargo bike brands. After selling 17,800 cargo bikes in 2018 and 28,500 in 2019 the 38 survey participants expect to sell 43,600 cargo bikes across Europe in 2020.

Arval: LCVs shift to electric powertrain

During the last few years, the number of LCVs has increased. With this increase, the challenges for last-mile urban operations are becoming crucial for many companies. Congestion, air quality concerns, low emission zones, and cost of the last mile are perhaps some of the main issues. However, all of these challenges represent real opportunities for OEMs. Arval …

How did COVID-19 impact city logistics in Amsterdam?

Walther Ploos van Amstel, a professor in city logistics at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, looks back on the impact of COVID-19 on city logistics in Amsterdam. Total freight traffic went down 10 to 15 percent at the beginning of the lockdown, but in May 2020 was back at 2019 volumes. The major lesson learned during COVID-19: …