Research: a systematic literature review of urban freight network design

Urban reight network planning and the application of distribution innovations are popular fields of research on sustainable urban logistics. However, considerable research on freight network design lacks a comprehensive consideration of the application of distribution innovations. This observation implies that sustainable urban freight research appears highly fragmented in topics of network design and distribution innovations.

How did Amsterdam food entrepreneurs cope with the COVID-19 crisis

COVID-19 brought the hospitality industry to a standstill. As of early July, one in five Amsterdam (NL) restaurants, cafés, bars, and caterers could not afford to reopen and the industry’s yearly turnover is predicted to decline by over 30 percent. Dutch potato farmers found themselves with a surplus of one billion kilograms and meat producers with cold stores filled …

Electric light commercial vehicles: are they the sleeping giant of e-mobility?

Transport emissions need to be drastically decreased to put Europe on a path towards long-term climate neutrality. Commercial urban freight and last-mile delivery is expected to grow because of the rise of e-commerce. In this frame, electric light commercial vehicles (eLCVs) can be a promising low-emission solution. Literature holistically analyzing the potential of eLCVs as well as …

UPS and FedEx to charge more for holiday deliveries in US

UPS and FedEx shares jumped on August 11 after both companies said they are raising prices to boost profit and help manage the strong growth of B2C deliveries spurred by the Covid-19 pandemic. UPS plans to apply holiday season surcharges of as much as US$ 4 a parcel for shippers that send more than 25.000 parcels a week …

Simacan Last Mile Guidance: how it works

Simacan has entered into a partnership with the Cornelissen Transport Group to further develop carrier-specific needs on a cloud platform for digital collaboration in transport and logistics. Part of the collaboration is the further development of turn-by-turn last-mile guidance that will enrich the information from existing onboard computer suppliers. The common goal is to register …

Scaling Picnic e-commerce IT-systems in Covid-19 times

As an online groceries company, Picnic saw an enormous increase in demand during the start of the Corona crisis. Picnic’s systems suddenly experienced traffic peaks of up to 10 to 20 times the pre-Corona peak traffic. Even though they build their systems for scalability, surges like these exposed unknown challenges. In the Picnic blog, Picnic’s Sander Mak …