Unlocking the value in urban traffic congestion with intelligent traffic management

Dutch drivers and passengers waste 67 million hours each year in traffic congestion. In 2018, the cost to the Dutch society of road traffic—in lower output and productivity— totaled €4.3 billion. New technology solutions for intelligent traffic management, such as smart traffic lights controlled by predictive modeling software have shown their effectiveness in early applications.

US research: online stores adding alternative pickup locations and click-and-collect

Bringg, a leading delivery, and fulfillment cloud platform provider released its 2021 Bringg Barometer: State of Retail Delivery & Fulfillment, which highlights findings from a recent survey of 1.000 US retailers and brands. The survey uncovered current strengths and weaknesses in online fulfillment capacity and variety of fulfillment services, and top fulfillment priorities for 2021.

On-demand food delivery: investigating the economic performances

A paper by Arianna Seghezzi and Riccardo Mangiaracina focuses on on-demand food delivery (ODFD); the delivery of freshly prepared meals to customers’ homes, enabled by online platforms. In ODFD, a key process is represented by last-mile deliveries (LMDs): they directly affect customers (the delivery price influences their purchase intention), riders (the compensation drives their willingness …

A guide to planning city logistics with cargobikes

A new guide equips readers with inspiration for moving cities towards cycle logistics cargo bike hubs. Though there’s nothing particularly new about cargo bikes, the world has seen a growing trend in using them for a plethora of different purposes, one of these being for deliveries around cities.

Dutch Parcls gets funding for role-out of white label pick-up-points in Amsterdam

The Amsterdams Klimaat- en Energie Fonds (AKEF), Rabobank, and current shareholders – with a total capital investment of 1.7M – have made it possible for Dutch Parcls.com to open a hub in every neighborhood of Amsterdam. With the fifth hub opening soon in Amsterdam West, Parcls.com already has reach of 360,000 households in Amsterdam and Nieuwegein. Households now have the option …

Amazon opening a regional urban parcel hub in Amsterdam region

Amazon is to open a new delivery station in Schiphol, the Netherlands to provide the fast and reliable delivery Amazon customers ‘love and trust’. To meet the increasing customer demand and add capacity and flexibility to its delivery network, Amazon will open its own delivery station and will start working with small and medium-sized independent local …

Remote diagnostics keeping fleets on the road

Remote diagnostics, available from vehicle manufacturers and technology suppliers, are helping companies better manage truck maintenance. UPS has found the system reduced fleet downtime by identifying needed repairs and streamlining maintenance. Remote diagnostics services enable fleet managers to monitor engine fault codes and maintenance issues while the truck or van is on the road.