Identifying the challenges to sustainable urban last-mile deliveries

Urban Freight Lab researchers have published a new paper, “Identifying the Challenges to Sustainable Urban Last-Mile Deliveries: Perspectives from Public and Private Stakeholders,” in Sustainability. This paper is part of the project on Roadblocks to Sustainable Urban Freight, funded by Amazon. Researchers interviewed stakeholders from both the public sector and private industry to identify and understand the barriers …

Die Zukunft liegt in kollaborativen Cityhubs

Die Stadtlogistik steht unter Beschuss durch immer mehr autofreie Wohngebiete, verstopfte Innenstädte und fußgängerfreundliche Campusse. Logistikdienstleister müssen mehr Volumen mit weniger Fahrzeugen, sicherer und sauberer liefern. Logistikdienstleister sollten ihre Fahrten sorgfältig planen und dabei die örtlichen Vorschriften berücksichtigen: Null-Emissionszonen, Straßensperrungen, Zeitfenster, Be- und Entladestellen, Verkehrssicherheit und Gewichtsbeschränkungen. Wann geht es mit einem großen Lkw, wann …

ALICE-POLIS Webinar on May 23: Collaborative Urban Logistics

You are invited to join the 2nd Webinar of ALICE-POLIS webinar series on urban freight on May 23: 14:00-15:00. This webinar is dedicated to Collaborative Urban Logistics including collaborative transport and logistics hubs for last-mile delivery. You can join the webinar via: However, you are encouraged to register for the event: please register. Draft agenda: Story from Antwerp, …

Bringg: 2022 State of Last Mile Logistics

To get more insight into these challenges and business drivers, Bringg asked logistics and transportation leaders where they are focusing the last mile operations today and their key priorities and challenges for 2022 and beyond. What are the key takeaways? Connectivity is the missing link for managing last-mile delivery at scale. As logistics networks expand, …

BOOSTLOG has mapped and assessed more than 160 EU-funded R&D projects in city logistics

Freight transport and logistics face critical challenges to address climate change, ensure supply chains are well functioning, and people are served with the required type of goods and services. In particular, coping with the expected growth of freight transportation and transition to zero-emission logistics up to 2030 requires collaboration speeding up innovation.  BOOSTLOG Vision is …

Research: last-mile capacity constraints in online grocery fulfillment in GB

Forecast growth in e-commerce home-delivery demand provides retailers with opportunities for expansion and increased levels of investment. To maximize these growth opportunities, retailers face operational and logistical challenges related to order fulfillment and the last mile. In contrast to other sectors, many grocers operate a store-based delivery model rather than a separate distribution channel. Researchers …

Research: design of a two-echelon last-mile delivery model

Due to high congestion in cities and growing demand for last-mile delivery services, several companies have been implementing two-echelon distribution strategies over the past few years. Notably, the installation of urban transshipment points has gained increasing attention, used by logistics operators to transfer goods from large freight trucks to smaller and more agile vehicles for …

Where city logistics meets walkability

Like in many cities, the inner center of Amsterdam is transforming into a more attractive place for pedestrians and cyclists by creating more space for these slow modalities. Entrepreneurs see their profits growing since an attractive city center attracts more customers and business. However, shops and HoReCa need to be supplied as well. With more …