Search results for «cargo bikes»

Research: exploring benefits of cargo bikes versus trucks for urban parcel deliveries

Urban deliveries are traditionally carried out with vans or trucks. These vehicles tend to face parking difficulties in dense urban areas, leading to traffic congestion. Smaller and nimbler vehicles by design, such as cargo-cycles, struggle to compete in distance range and carrying capacity. However, a system of cargo-cycles complemented with strategically located cargo-storing hubs can …

What can cargo bikes and micro hubs bring to service logistics?

Vincent Bensink, a Graduate student at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS), presents the results of his research into alternative service logistics hubs for service provider UNICA.

What is the potential for cargo bikes in service logistics?

Susanne Balm, Project Leader, Sustainable Logistics at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, presents the results of a research survey into what technical operators expect from a hub for service logistics.

Urban planning guidelines for cargo bikes in city logistics

Cargo bikes are emission-free, environmentally friendly and low-noise vehicles. Cargo bikes have the potential to contribute to CO2-neutral city center logistics. Cargo bikes can also help reduce air pollution. Cargo bikes can make effective and economical logistics concepts possible, especially in the growing area of small consignments such as parcels.

Urban planning for cargo bikes: this is how it’s done

Cargo bikes are emission-free, environmentally friendly and low-noise vehicles. Cargo bikes can be effective and economically sound city logistics concepts especially for the growing number of small shipments. The German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) set a target of 20% cargo bikes in city logistics.

Research by Jochen Maes: are cargo bikes more expensive?

Cargo bikes may be cleaner, faster and quieter. But today, cargo bikes are more expensive than light commercial vans. ‘Only local policy measures can reverse that.’ According to Jochen Maes (University of Antwerps in Belgium) they find it difficult to compete with the conventional delivery based on his Phd study.

Research: German trip data of cargo bikes published

The German NCP project “Cargo Bike Depot: implementing of depots in inner cities” investigates the traffic-, logistic- and citizen-friendly implementation of load handling nodes for cargo bikes in urban areas. One component of the research is the investigation of the effect of high cargo bike traffic intensities induced by the transshipment nodes on city streets …

Research: cost trade-offs cargo bikes versus delivery trucks

Completing urban freight deliveries is increasingly a challenge in congested urban areas, particularly when delivery trucks are required to meet time windows. Depending on the route characteristics, cargo bikes may serve as an economically viable alternative to delivery trucks.

UPS introducing cargo bikes in Seattle

To address growing traffic congestion and air quality concerns, UPS and Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan announced the deployment of a downtown delivery pilot project using cargo eBikes and customized modular trailers. 

UK government supports cargo bikes with £2m

There is an increasing use of diesel vans to cater to the e-commerce boom. The UK government has announced £2 million to support the uptake of e-cargo bikes, driving UK companies towards a greener future. Department for Transport (DfT) officials made the announcement as part of the international Zero Emission Vehicle Summit in Birmingham.

Dutch PostNL will introduce e-bikes and cargo bikes for postal services

Ducth PostNL will purchase e-bikes for all 18,000 mail deliverers. In this way, they can make longer postal rounds in the future. In urban areas with a lot of mail, it concerns electric cargo bikes, in quieter regions around normal e-bikes

Research: simulation for the integration of cargo bikes in city logistics

The use of cargo bikes for goods deliveries is a promising concept of urban logistics. In this paper by Hofmann et. al. (2017), a simulation-based assessment tool integrating this cargo bikes in urban distribution systems is presented.

KoMoDo project in Berlin (D) testing collaborative micro hub for cargo bikes

The KoMoDo roject in Berlin is an effort from the city of Berlin to take a step forward in making city logistics more city friendly. KoMoDo comes from ‘Kooperative Nutzung von Mikrodepots’. And, it’s all about collaboration.

Research: Simulation of B2C deliveries in Antwerp (B) with cargo bikes and delivery points

The growth of e-commerce is accompanied by an increasing distribution of parcels in cities resulting in externalities like traffic congestion or emissions. As a consequence, different delivery concepts like bike deliveries or delivery points have been suggested. Most companies will only accept these changes, if they do not result in higher cost of delivery.

Cargo Bikes in Rotterdam (NL): making urban logistics future proof

It is an inspiring dream image of the future, but also a vision that is slowly turning into reality. The use of human-powered vehicles in urban distribution is increasing, but how should we adapt the city to accommodate these newcomers?

Everything you always wanted to know about cargo bikes

In urban areas light goods are often delivered by heavy vehicles covering only short distances. This is problematic in sensitive inner city areas. The European project Cyclelogistics Ahead, a follow up on the first Cyclelogistics project in 2011, aims at reducing the negative impact of motorised urban freight.

Dutch Wehkamp starts with delivery on cargo bikes

Wehkamp starts with delivery on cargo bikes. After several successful pilots, Wehkamp, DHL and join forces. In 12 cities the couriers of deliver, in the ‘last mile’, part of the packages from Wehkamp at home.

Containerization will play important role in success of cargo bikes

Containerization will play an important role in success of cargo bikes. This research paper by Tom Assmann and Fabian Behrendt presents a quantitative model to determine economically viable container heights for three-wheeled rear loading cargo bikes in crossdocking and intermodal truck-based last mile distribution schemes.

With cargo bikes gaining popularity, Dutch cyclists say it’s time to rethink our roads

In cities everywhere, people on bikes are clamoring for more space on the roads. Towns in the Netherlands have gone further than almost anywhere else in securing that space. But, the past month has shown that even the Dutch might be struggling to keep up with the demand for bike lanes. Citylab reports about it.

Assessing the potential market for cargo bikes and LEFVs

The number of light commercial vehicles in cities is growing, which puts increasing pressure on cities in terms of pollution, congestion, accessibility and loss of public space. One of the opportunities for improvement may be found in the use of light electric freight vehicles (LEFVs), including cargo bikes