Factor 6: Higher CO2 productivity in the transport sector? Only by working together

In recent years the transport sector has booked tremendous gains in terms of improving air quality. Unfortunately, its CO2 emissions have increased over the past 30 years, despite the major advances that other sectors have made in that area. During the 2016 National Climate Change Conference, various companies, levels of government and civil society organisations …

SCTL at University of Washington initiates Urban Freight Lab

The Supply Chain Transportation and Logistics (SCTL) Center at the University of Washington has formed a new Urban Freight Lab to solve delivery system problems that cities and the business sector cannot handle on their own. Funders of this strategic research partnership include the City of Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and five founding corporate …

Amsterdam smart mobility action plan

The program Smart Mobility is developed in cooperation with the region of Amsterdam (NL), Amsterdam knowledge institutions, the Amsterdam Economic Board, Amsterdam Smart City, GVB, THNK, private partners in projects en various organizational departments within the municipality. The municipality is actively looking for new collaborations with public and private partners.

Research on challenges of e-mobility in freight

Current transportation systems include heterogeneous fleets consisting of common internal combustion engine vehicles as well as other types of vehicles using “green” technologies, e.g., plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles (EVs). However, the incorporation of EVs in transportation also raises challenges from the strategic, planning, and operational perspectives.