Is home shopping more sustainable than live shopping?

People complain on social media about light commercial vehicles (LCVs) in their neighborhood. There are too many, it’s not safe and not healthy. Is that criticism justified? Only 2 to 3 percent of the nearly 1 million LCVs in the Netherlands are involved in the delivering home shopping parcels to consumers.

Urban consolidation centres: understanding customer needs

Urban Consolidation Centres (UCCs) are often conceived as an enabler to alleviate negative effects associated with distribution of goods in cities, such as traffic congestion and hazardous emissions. UCCs not only have the potential to reduce these effects but also provide alternative distribution solutions by introducing new transhipment points.

Programme launched to reduce impact of construction road freight in London (UK)

Industry is collaborating on a new programme designed to minimise the impact of the increasing amount of construction in London and to ultimately improve safety and air quality. The Construction Logistics programme, delivered in association with Transport for London and the Chartered Institute for Logistics and Transport, sees a broad range of industry involvement and …

Investigating the financial viability of urban consolidation centre projects

Urban consolidation centres (UCCs) are a popular measure in city logistics. However, many UCCs strongly rely on government subsidies and are granted a short life because of their inability to reach financial sustainability. Despite the interest from both the practitioners and the research community, there are a limited number of quantitative contributions that investigate the …

Crowd-based city logistics

Rapid urban growth has posed both challenges and opportunities for city planners, not in the least when it comes to the design of urban freight systems. But urbanization also fosters innovation and sharing, which have led to new models for organizing urban freight, e.g. crowd based logistics.