Paris introduces parking fee for trucks

Paris issued a regulation, which will result in a mandatory parking fee for trucks over 3.5 tonnes, reports Transport and Logistics France (TLF). The new rule is to enter into force on November 1, 2018. As the city councilors of Paris justify: the trucks take up a large area due to their dimensions.

B2C Europe research on green and social delivery

The increasing number of online purchases also causes an increase in deliveries, delivery options, and higher consumer expectations. Extra pressure is being put on the already complex last mile. To overcome this pressure, new initiatives are being developed, including the concept of Green and Social Delivery.

Implementing weigh-in-motion systems for urban freight

The infrastructure in cities is falling apart under the weight of heavy vehicles. Cities, therefore, are putting more weight restrictions on urban freight. Monitoring, and enforcing these restrictions are not only a technical challenge for local authorities but also for transport companies that have to plan their trips taking into account the restrictions and the actual weight …

Final report of Scandinavian DenCity project is published

The DenCity project has taken on the urbanization challenge to develop transport and mobility solutions for future dense urban areas in Scandinavia. Urbanization implies an increased competition for the attractive urban space as well as increased impacts on the environment and human health as more people and goods must be transported using the same urban infrastructure.

Research: who is the online shopper in Belgium?

The widespread adoption of e-commerce is impacting a range of stakeholders. Retailers are expected to sell online, logistics operators and parcel companies are required to reconfigure their supply chain and public authorities try to keep local retail competitive while simultaneously attempt to manage the increase in freight transport.

US retailer Kroger to bring driverless cars to grocery delivery

Self-driving car startup Nuro is ready to put autonomous vehicles on the road in partnership with retailer Kroger to deliver groceries. This pilot will serve one single Fry’s Food and Drug location in Scottsdale, Arizona (USA). Customers can shop for groceries and place either same- or next-day delivery orders via the grocer’s website or app.