UK van drivers are losing more than one hour a day due to congestion
Delivery drivers are losing more than one hour of their working day as a result of congestion. This a result from the latest Mercedes-Benz Vans Business Barometer. The drivers said that on average 16 percent of the day was wasted because of congestion. That is equal to one hour 17 minutes in a typical eight …
E-commerce is changing the landscape in logistics real estate
Frankfurt (D) is testing cargo tram for parcels
Frontrunners in sustainable urban mobility planning
In order to enable mobility planning authorities across Europe to embrace the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) as the European-wide strategic planning approach, both the Civitas Prosperity and SUMPs-Up projects consider the role of the national and regional levels as essential for supporting SUMP take-up. This support encompasses governance, financing and capacity building.
Dutch Stint taken off the roads by Minister
Amsterdam (NL): pilot smart use of loading and unloading zones
City logistics in Amsterdam (NL) is becoming more complex resulting in unnecessary extra mileage and higher costs. At the end of 2017, the city of Amsterdam, together with Stichting Connekt, Topsector Logistiek and Amsterdam Smart City, wrote a competition: who would come up with a smart solution for the logistical problem in the city center?
Zolution: new Dutch vehicle for ‘zero emission’ city logistics
Surflogh Start Conference: Who owns the street?
On November 1st, 2018 there is the Surflogh start Conference in Groningen (NL): “Who owns the street? – Perspectives on urban logistics challenges.” The strong increase in online consumerism, with a 24-hour delivery promise, regularly results in a street full of delivery vans, congestion and multiple, may have a negative impact on the liveability of cities.