Category «Research»

Research on challenges of e-mobility in freight

Current transportation systems include heterogeneous fleets consisting of common internal combustion engine vehicles as well as other types of vehicles using “green” technologies, e.g., plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles (EVs). However, the incorporation of EVs in transportation also raises challenges from the strategic, planning, and operational perspectives.

SPICE supports public innovative procurement in Europe

The ever increasing demand for implementation of sustainable and innovative transportation solution in order to reach the cities service goals, dictates the need for more advance methods of procurement to address key parameters such as innovation, scalability and interoperability. Therefore, there is a strong need to establish a domain for understanding the public buyers’ needs …

DynaHUBs: a crowd-sourced approach to urban freight

DynaHUBs is a project designed to kick start the development of the Physical Internet using a crowd-sourced approach. Starting with motorcycles, we will test the technology and the business model to provide a new way of connecting routes and increasing capacity for door-to-door cargo and freight logistics. Once proven on motorcycles this capability will be …

Cleaner city logistics starts with procurement

Local government is one of the largest employers in the Netherlands, with departments and services across hundreds of sites in a municipality. Every day, these sites are supplied with printer paper, catering, maintenance products, cleaning items, paving and much, much more. These sites also produce substantial waste streams on a daily basis. The supply and …

SAILOR EU research project: Smart lAst mILe cOmmeRce

The objective of the EU-funded SAILOR project is to develop real-time solutions to the matching problems of parcel delivery companies and the final customer, shortening routing distance as well as increase first-time deliveries and reverse logistics in the last mile. The final goal of SAILOR is to improve cost efficiency and decrease congestions and pollutions …