Category «Research»

CIDAUT uses artificial intelligence to monitor use of parking spaces

CIDAUT, in collaboration with the Valladolid City Council, is implementing various initiatives to enhance urban transportation, making it smarter and more sustainable. Among these initiatives, which encompass connectivity solutions and the decarbonization of mobility, researchers would like to introduce one focused on monitoring vehicles utilizing designated charge and discharge parking slots, particularly intended for last-mile …

Study finds electric buses can be powered by existing metro network in Amsterdam

AMS Institute, in collaboration with Amsterdam GVB and TU Delft’s public transport operators, has explored the integration of new electric bus chargers into the existing but underutilized energy infrastructure: the metro grid of the Noord-Zuidlijn in Amsterdam. The project devises a strategy to alleviate grid congestion, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and minimize energy costs while …

Ride-sourcing platforms thrive on socio-economic inequality

Limited market share data suggests that ride-sourcing platforms may thrive in environments characterized by socio-economic inequality. This phenomenon is likely due to the availability of cheap labor and a higher proportion of travelers willing to pay above-average prices for time savings and comfort. To investigate this relationship, TU Delft researchers utilized an agent-based simulation model …

WAlking and PArking Dynamics of Drivers: analysis and model development for sustainable urban delivery

A new project addresses the critical but often overlooked aspects of delivery drivers’ walking and parking behaviors in urban logistics: WAlking and PArking Dynamics of Drivers (WAPADD). With 80% of a delivery driver’s time spent outside the vehicle during the last leg of delivery, comprehending these dynamics becomes pivotal for sustainable urban delivery routes. The …

Green crowd-shipping: critical factors from a business perspective

Crowd-shipping implies involving nonprofessional operators in transporting goods. While its financial benefits are easy to grasp, its environmental implications depend on the transportation mode used and whether trips are dedicated or non-dedicated. One approach to making crowd-shipping services more environmentally friendly involves utilizing public transportation, which is less polluting, as the primary mode of transportation, …

New York City launches LockerNYC

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez launched LockerNYC. This free pilot program will utilize lockers installed on public sidewalks throughout multiple boroughs to allow New Yorkers to receive secure package deliveries. The pilot will be in place for a year, with the potential to be …

Research: SMEs preparing for zero-emission zones

A new paper by Breda University of Applied Sciences discusses shippers’ and carriers’ preparations for zero-emission zones and potential solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Netherlands. Zero emission zones (ZE) are drawing nearer, emphasizing the increasing importance of carriers and shippers navigating municipal regulations effectively. Consequently, there’s a rising trend of students collaborating with …

SENATOR platform reaches technological maturity

The SENATOR project has achieved the technological maturity that allows it to start the most operational phase of pilots in 2024 and test its advanced technology, based on artificial intelligence, to improve city logistics in two Urban Living Labs, in Zaragoza (ES) and Dublin (IE). SENATOR is led by Correos and aims to make last-mile delivery more …