Category «Research»

Webinar: gaining insights from urban freight data

Last week a webinar focused on US and European research efforts to gain deeper insights from urban freight data, with a particular focus on how freight data has supported the development of urban freight plans and other technical documents, stakeholder engagement, and infrastructure investments.

Research: how can we use revenu management in last-mile delivery?

New opportunities arise to design profitable last-mile delivery strategies. In particular, companies can influence customer behavior by choosing the lead-times or time-slots that are offered (capacity controls) and as well as their associated fees (pricing controls). These decisions ultimately seek to balance the capacity utilization and increase the profitability of the delivery operation.

Research in London: ICT for sustainable parcel deliveries

A new research paper from the UK present a vision of how ICT can be leveraged to help combat the impact on pollution, congestion and carbon emissions contributed by the parcel delivery sector. This is necessary given the growth in parcel deliveries, especially same-day deliveries, and light commercial vehicles and the need to inform initiatives for cleaner city …

Robeco: growing e-commerce offers investment opportunities

A new Robeco report presents investment opportunities in growing e-commerce: warehouse automation providers, prime warehouse owners, software companies. E-commerce is booming, exposing its logistic backbone to an ever increasing bill. The e-commerce sector is therefore trying to find cheaper solutions with the help of innovative tools, such as robots that are learning to see and pick …