Category «Research»

Research: construction logistics solutions in urban areas

The attraction to urban areas means that new houses and workplaces are needed. Building new houses or renovating older housing stock is a natural way for a city to evolve. However, the end products of construction projects are produced at their place of consumption. This means that a multitude of materials and resources need to be …

Understanding crowd logistics

Research by Valentina Carbone, professor at the Paris Campus of ESCP Europe, Aurélien Rouquet, professor at NEOMA Business School and Christine Roussat, assistant professor at the Clermont-Auvergne University in France, examines how crowd logistics differs from traditional logistics service models and which type of crowd logistics might be the most disruptive.

Opportunities for transforming last-mile logistics with HCI

Road congestion, air pollution and sustainability are increasingly important in major cities. UK researchers looked to understand how last-mile deliveries in the parcel sector are impacting our roads. Using formative field work and quantitative analysis of consignment manifests and location data, they identified how the effectiveness of life-style couriers is contributing to both environmental and …