Category «Research»

Thesis: the impact of growing e-commerce on last-mile trips

E-commerce influences the logistic sector in different ways. The growth of e-commerce leads to more use of transportation but also results in more logistic efficiency of this transportation. The amount of consumers increases and also the demand per consumer increases. This results in shorter distances between the stops and more packages delivered per stop, which …

US research: online stores adding alternative pickup locations and click-and-collect

Bringg, a leading delivery, and fulfillment cloud platform provider released its 2021 Bringg Barometer: State of Retail Delivery & Fulfillment, which highlights findings from a recent survey of 1.000 US retailers and brands. The survey uncovered current strengths and weaknesses in online fulfillment capacity and variety of fulfillment services, and top fulfillment priorities for 2021.

On-demand food delivery: investigating the economic performances

A paper by Arianna Seghezzi and Riccardo Mangiaracina focuses on on-demand food delivery (ODFD); the delivery of freshly prepared meals to customers’ homes, enabled by online platforms. In ODFD, a key process is represented by last-mile deliveries (LMDs): they directly affect customers (the delivery price influences their purchase intention), riders (the compensation drives their willingness …

MIT: e-commerce leads to 36 percent less emissions

With e-commerce setting records last year and parcel deliveries forecast to grow by 80 percent over the next decade, a study by the MIT Real Estate Innovation Lab reveals the environmental benefits of online shopping. Using average emissions results from the MIT study, the share shift to e-commerce resulted in approximately 2,4 percent fewer emissions per parcel.