Category «Research»

What is the potential for shared autonomous cargo-bike fleets?

Finding a sustainable mobility solution for the future is one of the most competitive challenges in the logistics and mobility sector. As a result, policymakers, researchers, and companies are working intensively to provide novel, environmentally friendly, and sustainable options. While autonomous car-sharing services have been introduced as a promising solution, an innovative alternative is the …

Perceived safety of cargo bikes: a barrier against a greener future?

While cities focus on making logistics more and more environmentally sustainable by implementing “green deals,” the potential impact of the increase of cargo bikes remains unclear. A thesis by Groningen student Youri Meerstra investigates perceived safety that residents experience with a potential increase in cargo bikes, in this case, the residents of the inner city …

Dutch TNO: for improving air quality, a different approach is needed

Exposure to particulate matter can have serious consequences, including respiratory diseases and the aggravation of cardiovascular diseases. In the Netherlands, 9,000 people die prematurely yearly due to particulate matter exposure. Therefore, a different approach is needed if we want to win the battle against particulate matter and permanently improve air quality in the Netherlands. Based …

Research: optimal location of loading/unloading bays in cities

A team of researchers from the Universidad de la República Montevideo, Uruguay, addresses the problem of determining the optimal number and location of slots within the urban parking space reserved to perform delivery operations and/or pick-up of goods to/from a set of given clients. In their study, they propose and evaluate an extended mathematical optimization …

ReLUT eCARe project looks at charging infrastructure

The eCARe project is a process-based charging management concept for e-car logistics that began in 2021. Until now, research for electromobility has focused on component development or the creation of charging infrastructure for end customers. However, with increasing sales of e-vehicles and global production, there is a need for optimized logistics that take into account …

SURF Final Report gives insights on sustainable urban freight

After months of exploring the topics of Sustainable URban Freight and Zero-Emission Zones for freight – also known as ZEZ-F, the SURF project – a joint effort of Environmental Defense Fund Europe and POLIS Network officially ended. The SURF Final Report is a testament to this exciting and rich adventure. Building upon the How-to Guide on Zero-Emission Zones for Freight, the project has provided cities with …