Category «Research»

Research: seeking equity and justice in city logistics planning

As e-commerce continues to grow and expand across, more and more companies are looking towards building their “last-mile” distribution facilities closer to cities enabling next and same-day deliveries for companies like Amazon. What do equity and social justice mean for urban (freight) planning and management? A new Urban Freight Lab paper reviews transportation and mobility …

Research: exploring logistics-as-a-service to integrate the consumer into urban freight

E-commerce established the consumer as a freight actor. This new reality in the e-commerce supply chain holds economic, social, and environmental opportunities. Consumers have become an essential stakeholder in freight transport, which current logistics systems thus do not reflect. There are three ways in which the integration of consumers is vital to advance last-mile deliveries. First, logistics …

LEAD: Digital Twins for low-emission last-mile logistics

LEAD created Digital Twins of urban logistics networks in six TEN-T urban nodes (Madrid, The Hague, Lyon, Budapest, Oslo, Porto) to support experimentation and decision-making with on-demand logistics operations in a public-private urban setting. City logistics solutions were represented by value case scenarios that address the requirements of the on-demand economy and the pressures caused …

ICCT calculated the health benefits of Euro 7

In November 2022, the European Commission released its proposed Euro 7 regulation for light- and heavy-duty vehicles, which limits the level of pollutants detrimental to human health, such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM). An ICCT study models the proposed emission reductions and health benefits from implementing Euro 7 with increased stringency and …

Norwegian study on the use of parcel lockers

Recently, Norway’s Transport Economics Institute published a study on parcel lockers and their impact on CO2 reduction. According to this study, picking up parcels at automated lockers can result in a 30 percent reduction of CO2 in local emissions. This will reduce fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, and local emissions from online shopping distribution. The researchers …

Dark stores in Paris: a policy review

Food e-commerce has long remained a limited phenomenon, which only changed noticeably during the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only did more consumers take advantage of the options offered online, but it also prompted the launch of many food delivery start-ups worldwide. Quick commerce, in particular, offering grocery deliveries within twenty minutes or less, attracted significant sums …

Integrating logistics into urban planning: best practices from Paris and Rotterdam

Cities worldwide are rethinking their mobility policies in light of environmental and quality-of-life objectives. As space is one of cities’ scarcest resources, mobility’s spatial footprint is increasingly scrutinized as an externality to mitigate. Like passenger transport, goods transport will shift towards efficient and zero-emission mobilities. Proximity logistics The logistics sector requires space to unload, cross-dock, …