Category «Food for thoughts»

Reducing city logistics footprint through collaborative cityhubs

City logistics is under attack with more car-free residential areas, congested inner cities, and pedestrianized campuses. In the following years, logistics service providers must deliver more volume with fewer vehicles, safer and cleaner. Logistics service providers should plan city logistics routes carefully, considering local regulations, zero-emission zones, road closures, times windows, loading and unloading points, …

Bloomberg: we are going to need a lot more electric cargo bikes

Parcel delivery companies in European cities are replacing delivery vans with cargo bikes. But the US rollout of cargo bikes has been slow. Bloomberg reports about it. Electric cargo bikes could replace many of the delivery vehicles that deliver parcels around cities. A recent study in London found that cargo bikes could reduce emissions from parcel delivery by one-third …

Can smart mobility hubs be a game changer if you ignore their city logistics role?

There is a new report out by Urban Europe on smart mobility hubs as game changer in transport. The report provides valuable guidelines for integrating mobility hubs in the urban space. A mobility hub is a physical location where shared mobility options are offered at permanent, dedicated, and visible locations and where public or collective …

Die Zukunft liegt in kollaborativen Cityhubs

Die Stadtlogistik steht unter Beschuss durch immer mehr autofreie Wohngebiete, verstopfte Innenstädte und fußgängerfreundliche Campusse. Logistikdienstleister müssen mehr Volumen mit weniger Fahrzeugen, sicherer und sauberer liefern. Logistikdienstleister sollten ihre Fahrten sorgfältig planen und dabei die örtlichen Vorschriften berücksichtigen: Null-Emissionszonen, Straßensperrungen, Zeitfenster, Be- und Entladestellen, Verkehrssicherheit und Gewichtsbeschränkungen. Wann geht es mit einem großen Lkw, wann …

Bringg: 2022 State of Last Mile Logistics

To get more insight into these challenges and business drivers, Bringg asked logistics and transportation leaders where they are focusing the last mile operations today and their key priorities and challenges for 2022 and beyond. What are the key takeaways? Connectivity is the missing link for managing last-mile delivery at scale. As logistics networks expand, …

Uber about the Future of Delivery

Uber has commissioned WSP to complete a whitepaper – Future of Delivery – which examines how to unleash the opportunities for city centres to become greener and more liveable by increasing micromobility for the last mile of logistics. Demand for deliveries is surging. Relying upon cars, vans and trucks for the last mile risks clogging …

A shortage of logistics real estate in the food sector: what to do now?

Many distribution centers have been built in the last ten years in the food sector. However, local support for even more distribution centers is declining. Therefore, companies must move towards a more efficient and more intelligent approach to distribution, together with their supply chain partners. Dutch retailers Hoogvliet, Jumbo, Albert Heijn, Picnic, Hellofresh, and Plus …