Category «Food for thoughts»

A ban on large truck in cities? Don’t do it!

Now that GreenLeft parties haven become the dominant political party in many large Dutch cities, the coalition governments running those cities have made city logistics a priority. City logistics is supposed to take up less public space, use clean electric vehicles, reduce noise, free up sidewalks for pedestrians, cause less damage and – most of …

IPIC 2018: 5th International Physical Internet Conference in Groningen (NL)

The International Physical Internet Conference 2018 from June 18-22 in Groningen (NL) aims to provide an open forum for researchers, industry representatives, government officials and citizens to together explore, discuss, introduce leading edge concepts, methodologies, recent projects, technological advancements, start-up for Physical Internet implementation.

Moving from zero-emission to zero-impact city logistics

Up to now, the impact of city logistics on enhancing air quality within urban areas has been restricted. While the emphasis on adopting clean vehicles is beneficial for air quality, it is essential to address the creation of economically viable, essential, and health-promoting city centers and neighborhoods in formulating urban freight policies. The central focus …