Category «Business»
Dutch UB18 presents flexible cityhub units
UPS: cost of electric delivery van now at par with conventional delivery van
Brisqq (UK) is offering local-for-local same day delivery network to retailers
London based Brisqq provides local logistics-as-a-service, enabling retailers to offer same day (or later date) deliveries and returns in 1-hour time slots (chosen by the customer). Their technology takes the pain out of delivery for retailers by connecting them with local, crowdsourced, freelancers, providing 100% visibility over deliveries and state-of-the-art security features.
Berlin based ImagineCargo to start network of city hubs
In a growing urban logistics market transportation companies are struggling to effectively change their operation to be smarter and more flexible but at the same time more sustainable. There is a lack of smaller (white label) city hubs suited for smaller and more sustainable delivery vehicles such as cargo bikes and light electric vehicles.
International Cargo Bike Festival April 14 and 15, 2018 in Berlin (D)
Paragon Systems offers planning capabilities for electric or hybrid vehicles
Paragon has enhanced its routing and scheduling software to address the challenges associated with planning for electric and hybrid vehicles. With a growing number of logistics operations now committed to low-emission, fuel-efficient technology, this latest development will enable transport planners to better utilise vehicles that have limited ranges.
Special day on city logistics during HVTT15
The HVTT15 (Heavy Vehile Transport technology) offers a worldwide platform for transportation companies, researchers, policy makers, regulators, OEMs and suppliers and the transport industry, to exchange knowledge and experiences in order to support the development of a safe, sustainable, efficient and productive road freight transport. The conference takes place October 2-5 2018 in Rotterdam (NL).
Shippify: urban logistics that transforms emerging cities into smart cities
Ocado (UK): Forget products, think platform!
UK-based company Ocado has been credited with revolutionising the UK’s e-grocery arena. An online player with cutting-edge technology, a centralised hub-based delivery system and lucrative partnerships with high-end retailers, and Ocado is profitable. Sales in 2017 are expected to grow towards 1,5 bln Euro. Net margin was 1%.