With the growing number of lorries that have to be in the center every day, the Dutch city centers are in danger of being blocked. City Hub is fighting against this with green city distribution from smart warehouses on the outskirts of the city. And soon with the Zolution.
The ZolutionĀ is a completely new electric vehicle developed by the specialists of Urban Mobility Systems (UMS). City Hub and UMS launch the Zolution at the tech fair CES Unveiled Amsterdam 2018. On Thursday, September 27 at 3 PM Gary Shapiro, CEO of CTA, together with Prince Constantijn of Oranje, StartupDelta Special Envoy, will reveal the first vehicle on the Beursplein.
Gerard Gerritsen, CEO of City Hub: “The Zolution, as designed by UMS, is an important innovation for us in the area of electric transport. The payload is much larger than what the existing electric city vehicles offer. From now on we can not only transport parcels, but also roll containers and even pallets. Because the Zolution does not have a chassis, the loading floor is low and the loading of containers and pallets is child’s play. ”
Modular and scalable
The Zolution stands out because of its cargo space of 16 m3 and its payload of 1000+ kg. The driving radius of the new urban transport vehicle is also greater, says Lars Kool, CEO of Urban Mobility Systems (UMS): “With one charge, you get 150 kilometers range. You can notice that the technology has made a big leap forward.”
The Zolution is also notable for the short turning circle.” With that, you can easily maneuver through the narrow streets of the city center. ” Kool adds: “Our vehicle solution is designed for urban logistics and perfectly suits the services of City Hub. City Hub gives us the opportunity to contribute to eco and mobility initiatives in the smart and e-mobility world. In addition to our people movers, the urban logistic market is within our scope now.
‘Your green connection’
With the arrival of the new means of transport Gerritsen wants to make even more transporters enthusiastic about ‘his’ smart warehouses on the outskirts of the city. “It is almost impossible for logistics service providers to deliver goods in Dutch city centers. Apart from the irritation caused by the many trucks and vans to the local residents, traffic congestion also causes a considerable environmental impact. For the drivers, the tight schedules are almost no longer feasible, especially if everything is stopped more often. ”
“Our idea: we capture all that transport in a hub on the outskirts of town. We bundle all goods – large and small – and bring them with our electrical Zolution to the final destinations in the city center. Without irritation, without frustration and without CO2 emissions. “City Hub now has offices in Roermond, Amsterdam and Utrecht. The concept has now become so successful that the chain is now rapidly expanding its activities to other cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants.
Source: City Hub