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The digital potential in creating a circular construction economy

The construction and maintenance of housing, offices, roads, and other infrastructure represent the third-largest resource footprint in the Netherlands (at 32 million tonnes). The sector also accounts for the highest level of raw material consumption across all sectors (at nearly 29 million tonnes). Scenarios for creating a more circular construction economy have to date included …

Designing a new last-mile delivery vehicle for Picnic

Picnic is an online supermarket currently operational in the Netherlands and Germany. Groceries are ordered from an app and delivered to the consumers using a light electric last-mile delivery vehicle. This vehicle is currently used for densely populated residential adreas and works well enough to support the current number of Picnic deliveries.

Thesis: the impact of growing e-commerce on last-mile trips

E-commerce influences the logistic sector in different ways. The growth of e-commerce leads to more use of transportation but also results in more logistic efficiency of this transportation. The amount of consumers increases and also the demand per consumer increases. This results in shorter distances between the stops and more packages delivered per stop, which …

Unlocking the value in urban traffic congestion with intelligent traffic management

Dutch drivers and passengers waste 67 million hours each year in traffic congestion. In 2018, the cost to the Dutch society of road traffic—in lower output and productivity— totaled €4.3 billion. New technology solutions for intelligent traffic management, such as smart traffic lights controlled by predictive modeling software have shown their effectiveness in early applications.

US research: online stores adding alternative pickup locations and click-and-collect

Bringg, a leading delivery, and fulfillment cloud platform provider released its 2021 Bringg Barometer: State of Retail Delivery & Fulfillment, which highlights findings from a recent survey of 1.000 US retailers and brands. The survey uncovered current strengths and weaknesses in online fulfillment capacity and variety of fulfillment services, and top fulfillment priorities for 2021.