Author archives

Sub-IPO for Ahold Delhaize

Dutch Ahold Delhaize wants to bring to the stock exchange. At least, for a minority share. Ahold Delhaize does wish to remain in charge of the online shopping platform. The company wants to use the growth potential of with the IPO to finance the development of physical stores in the US and Europe. …

Vos Logistics: the feasibility of electrification of home deliveries

Dutch Vos Logistics presented a white paper about the electrification of home deliveries. Vos Logistics – committed to driving clean and efficient transport solutions – has taken on this challenge too. Student Willem Goudriaan studied the technical and economic feasibility of zero-emission home deliveries from Vos Logistics. Operational feasibility  The operational feasibility was determined by …

Circular Foam project aims to boost recycling of insulation material across Europe

Closing the materials cycle for rigid polyurethane foams. This is the ambitious goal of the new pan-European “CIRCULAR FOAM” project. The EU-funded lighthouse project coordinated by Covestro, a world-leading polymer company, brings together 22 partners from 9 countries from industry, academia, and society. Within four years, they want to jointly establish a complete circular value …

Ricardo about the future of sustainable transport

There is a need to move towards transportation solutions that are economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable. In their latest Future of Sustainable Transport report, Ricardo experts bring clarity to some of the complexities of future mobility, including: drivers for future sustainable transport challenges to achieving net zero current initiatives to address issues faced by the transport sector. …

Pitney Bowes: parcel volumes will keep growing worldwide

Pitney Bowes Inc., a global technology company that provides commerce solutions in e-commerce, shipping, mailing, data, and financial services, released the new Parcel Shipping Index featuring 2020 data from 13 major markets around the world. The Index finds global parcel volume reached 131 billion in 2020, equating to 4.160 parcels shipped per second – an increase of …

New WHO Global Air Quality Guidelines aim to save millions of premature deaths from air pollution

Air pollution is one of the biggest environmental threats to human health, alongside climate change. New World Health Organization (WHO) Global Air Quality Guidelines (AQGs) provide evidence of air pollution’s damage to human health at even lower concentrations than previously understood. The guidelines recommend new air quality levels to protect the health of populations by …

Learning from, or repeating, past mistakes in urban construction logistics?

The construction industry is reluctant to utilize construction logistics centers (CLC). Mats Janne and Anna Fredriksson’s study focused on understanding the drivers and challenges of CLC utilization. There is a difference between drivers and challenges for implementing and utilizing CLCs, often implemented to reduce third-party disturbances. CLCs can reduce environmental impact and third-party disturbances. However, …

Towards profitable growth in e-grocery retailing: the role of store and household density

Despite the continued growth of e-grocery sales, few companies make any profits in this retail segment. Increasing market shares and associated drop densities may make profitable operations possible. Higher delivery fees seem essential to profitability. Yet such higher fees may put e-groceries at a disadvantage compared to the traditional store channel, which remains highly competitive. …

Arrival to expand presence in Europe

Arrival pioneer of a new method of design and production of affordable electric vehicles (EVs) by local Microfactories reveals its van in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Presenting the van to key audiences, the Arrival European Roadshow will allow the public to see the distinctive and innovative van when it visits fifteen European cities between September 2021 and …