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Research: hydrogen versus battery electric

The UK investment in transport decarbonization is more than £27B from the government for incentivizing zero-emission vehicles as part of an urgent response to decarbonize the transport sector. The investments made must facilitate a transition to a long-term solution. The success relies on coordinating and testing the evolution of both the energy and transport systems. …

Research: Location of urban micro-consolidation centers to reduce the social cost of last-mile deliveries

Urban deliveries of goods have become a rising challenge due to the increase of online shopping and the traditional business-to-business (B2B) dynamics. To maintain a satisfactory level of service, carriers must conduct delivery operations under restrictive environments, creating undesirable externalities such as congestion and pollution. Urban micro-consolidation centers (UMCs) are defined as on-street or off-street …

London: using the river Thames for light freight

River freight can help reduce road traffic and air pollution and be more reliable and provide an easy way to access Central London. CRP’s new Clean Air Logistics for London project, which started in July 2021, focused on river freight and further made the underused Thames a viable route for goods coming into London. Light …

Obstacles prevent waterborne city logistics, but opportunities exist

Construction traffic, garbage, and other deliveries could be run on water in Swedish large cities. But market mechanisms, regulations, technology, problems with quays and old habits stand in the way. This is shown by a pre-study carried out within the Swedish Transport Administration’s industry program Sustainable Shipping, which Lighthouse runs. “The threshold is high for …

Hellofresh inspires!

Hellofresh presented good financial results for 2021. HelloFresh delivered nearly 1 billion meals to 7 million households in 2021. Sales increased by more than 60 percent to 6 billion euros. Profit was almost 160 million euros. That could have been higher if the company had not invested heavily in expansion into new markets and fulfillment capacity …

The status of SULPs in Europe: ULaaDS webinar report

While Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) are becoming a requirement for all large TEN-T nodes, Sustainable Urban Logistic Plans (SULPs) are less widespread and well-known across European cities. Therefore, Bax & Company, together with EUROCITIES and Rupprecht Consult organized a ULaaDS session to explore the status of SULPs across Europe and zoom into the example …