Author archives

Amsterdam: the role of public procurement in city logistics

The City of Amsterdam has a policy framework for making mobility in the city more sustainable. The municipal procurement and tendering of facility goods and services can help shape the vision and policy for zero-emission transport. A report evaluated the procurement processes of facility goods and services and freight transport and logistics hubs for facility …

Research: optimal location of loading/unloading bays in cities

A team of researchers from the Universidad de la República Montevideo, Uruguay, addresses the problem of determining the optimal number and location of slots within the urban parking space reserved to perform delivery operations and/or pick-up of goods to/from a set of given clients. In their study, they propose and evaluate an extended mathematical optimization …

German research on the requirements of cargo bikes on the infrastructure

In December 2021, the research project from the LOEWE focus „Infrastructure – Design – Society” was successfully completed with the work package „Requirements of cargo bikes on the infrastructure.“ The project involved three sub-projects: obtaining expert opinions on cargo bike dimensions and traffic planning, collecting experiences from cargo bike riders, and evaluating real data …

ReLUT eCARe project looks at charging infrastructure

The eCARe project is a process-based charging management concept for e-car logistics that began in 2021. Until now, research for electromobility has focused on component development or the creation of charging infrastructure for end customers. However, with increasing sales of e-vehicles and global production, there is a need for optimized logistics that take into account …

SURF Final Report gives insights on sustainable urban freight

After months of exploring the topics of Sustainable URban Freight and Zero-Emission Zones for freight – also known as ZEZ-F, the SURF project – a joint effort of Environmental Defense Fund Europe and POLIS Network officially ended. The SURF Final Report is a testament to this exciting and rich adventure. Building upon the How-to Guide on Zero-Emission Zones for Freight, the project has provided cities with …

Look back: webinar on Collaborative Urban Logistic

POLIS-ALICE jointly hosted the webinar on Collaborative Urban Logistics on May 24, 2022. If you could not join the event, the presentations and the recording of the session are now published on the ALICE website (link). This webinar invites current practitioners working on collaborative urban logistics, including platform operators, business representatives, and urban logistics hub …

Integration of urban freight transport in city planning: lessons learned

A paper by Astrid Bjørgen and Marianne Ryghaug explores how governing bodies and planning authorities in Norway take urban freight transport into consideration in three different cities. Based on empirical studies of actors and processes relevant to city planning, the paper highlights challenges in integrating urban freight transport considerations in city planning. The paper demonstrates how different planning …