Author archives

Handbook about urban and periurban logistics real estate

The Logistics City Chair team published the digital version of the handbook n°3 of the “Welcome to Logistics City” series dedicated to urban and periurban logistics real estate.  The development of logistics real estate adapted to professionals and respectful of the requirements of cities has gradually emerged as an adequate response. It allows for mobility optimization and the accelerated decarbonization …

Comparing letter prices in Europe

For the 22nd time, Deutsche Post (DP) has published a study comparing current letter prices in Europe. The study reviews the 27 member states of the European Union, Great Britain, and the EFTA countries of Norway, Switzerland, and Iceland. Recognizing that a purely nominal approach does not go far enough, DP has also included criteria …

Waste statistics data for urban circular logistics

As appointed in the EU Circular Economy Action Plan, cities and regions in EU member countries start accompanying their circular economy strategies by monitoring frameworks, often called Circular Economy Monitors (CEM). CEMs need to rely on many statistics and datasets to assess performance towards achieving set targets and steer decision-making. Waste statistics play an essential role in …

A review of last-mile literature

Globalization, urbanization, and the recent COVID-19 pandemic have raised the demand for logistic activities. This change is affecting the entire supply chain, especially the last-mile step. This step is considered the most expensive and ineffective part of the supply chain and a source of negative economic, environmental, and social externalities. A publication by Portuguese researchers …

German research: delivery preferences of residents in new development areas

Alternative solutions for sustainable last-mile parcel deliveries have been piloted and partially implemented in Europe in the past decade. However, these delivery concepts have mainly been considered in inner-city areas. There are a few examples of applying these concepts in peripheral urban areas, where new housing is being built to accommodate high population pressure. However, …

A conceptual model for assessing logistics maturity in smart city dimensions

The advancement of new technologies and the increasingly inseparable presence of logistics systems in the daily life of cities, industries, companies, and society has been modifying how logistics processes are implemented in these environments based on technological innovations, internet, virtual businesses, mobility, and the use of multi-channel distribution. Together with these changes, urban centers have …

EU data on city logistics

Road transport is an enabler for economic and social life and one of the key sectors of the EU, corresponding to at least 5% of the European Gross Value Added and employing around 10.3 million people. Today, approximately 73 % of the total EU population lives in cities, towns, and suburbs, and the urban population’s …

Shift to cargo bike deliveries could save UK taxpayers £4bn

Analysis suggests that if delivery companies switched to using cargo bikes instead of diesel vans for first and last-mile deliveries, it would save the UK NHS and other Government services more than £4 billion. The cost savings, claimed by cargo bike delivery firm Pedal and Post and researchers at Just Economics, are derived from reduced …

Net zero in 2050: how will transport companies survive?

The logistics sector must be net zero by 2050. But all measures proposed will create an uneven playing field with selective access to logistics capabilities, people, money, data, and energy. So how will transport companies survive? I was asked to lecture on sustainability for a group of CEOs from European transport companies. I hyperventilated. What …

The use of drones in city logistics: a case study

City logistics take a considerable part in urban transportation. Inevitably, the last mile deliveries are partly responsible for degrading the environment. Towards more environmentally friendly city logistics, using different means of transport has been tested; one among them is drones. A new paper aims better to understand the use of drones for last-mile deliveries. More …