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DHL: 3D printing will not become a substitute for mass-production

DHL released its latest DHL Trend Report: ‘3D Printing and the Future of Supply Chains‘. DHL has been testing a variety of both 3D printing hardware and techniques for several years and has identified applications that have potential to redefine manufacturing and supply chain strategies. While the 3D printing market is estimated to grow between …
BBC reports on the strong growth of cargo bikes in urban freight
Research on challenges of e-mobility in freight

Current transportation systems include heterogeneous fleets consisting of common internal combustion engine vehicles as well as other types of vehicles using “green” technologies, e.g., plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles (EVs). However, the incorporation of EVs in transportation also raises challenges from the strategic, planning, and operational perspectives.
Developing a monitor for urban freight: what are the information needs?

The fast growth of cities and the rising number of their users leads to an increase in demand for freight transport contributing to an increase in logistic flow streams within a limited urban area. Currently, freight transport is usually done in an uncoordinated and chaotic manner. Specifying the information needs in the field of urban …
The lessons learned from smart city projects in Amsterdam

The last two years, Amsterdam Smart City and the University of Applied Sciences systematically analysed 12 smart city projects in Amsterdam including city logistics. In close cooperation with Amsterdam Smart City five researchers started a thorough evaluation of projects to draw lessons and make future smart city projects more effective.
Bringing logistics back into our towns

Congestion in our city centers and residential neighborhoods is only getting worse. More deliveries from web stores, especially in the hours when we consumers are at home, means more trucks and delivery vans driving around. The number of deliveries sent between consumers via peer-to-peer sales platforms is growing like crazy. We are picking things up …
SPICE supports public innovative procurement in Europe

The ever increasing demand for implementation of sustainable and innovative transportation solution in order to reach the cities service goals, dictates the need for more advance methods of procurement to address key parameters such as innovation, scalability and interoperability. Therefore, there is a strong need to establish a domain for understanding the public buyers’ needs …
Urban Distribution And Transport On Own Account: Equal Rights, Equal Rules
DynaHUBs: a crowd-sourced approach to urban freight

DynaHUBs is a project designed to kick start the development of the Physical Internet using a crowd-sourced approach. Starting with motorcycles, we will test the technology and the business model to provide a new way of connecting routes and increasing capacity for door-to-door cargo and freight logistics. Once proven on motorcycles this capability will be …