Author archives

The city is the new battleground for food retailers

The city is the new battleground for food retailers. This playing field is constantly expanding due to population growth and the increasing number of workers, students, and tourists in urban areas. These consumers are a diverse group with different consumption patterns compared to traditional families who do their grocery shopping weekly. Cities are characterized by …

The installation industry: transitioning to smart and zero-emission mobility

The Dutch installation industry has an annual turnover of approximately €33 billion and employs around 180,000 people. About 29% of installation revenue is spent on maintenance contracts, troubleshooting, and modifications such as short-term and customer-specific projects. Around 80-85% of service visits to buildings involve residential properties, while 15-20% concern commercial buildings. Service engineers drive 264 …

SPOTLOG: Green and Socially resPOnsible ciTy Logistics InnovaTions

SPOTLOG aims to involve local communities in creating socially responsible logistics systems, based wherever possible on zero-carbon modes, by using all available resources and taking advantage of the digitalisation of goods and passenger transport services. SPOTLOG partners aim to improve regional policy instruments toward the European goals of inclusive and carbon-neutral mobility by focusing on low-density communities …

WSL: Walmart versus Amazon

Once seen as outdated in the e-commerce era, Walmart has emerged as a strong competitor to Amazon in fast delivery. Leveraging its 4,700 stores as fulfillment hubs, Walmart doubled its same-day deliveries to five billion items last year, reaching 93% of U.S. households. Unlike Amazon, which does not disclose exact figures, Walmart’s delivery network is …

RECYCLE-CIG: encouraging proper disposal of electronic waste

RECYCLE-CIG is an initiative launched by Logista Italia, in collaboration with the Italian Federation of Tobacconists (FIT) and under an agreement with the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (MASE), to organize the collection, recovery, and recycling of used electronic cigarettes across Italy. Through RECYCLE-CIG, consumers can conveniently dispose of their used electronic cigarettes …

Collaborative distribution network design for sustainable parcel deliveries: a strategic modelling approach

The growth of e-commerce has driven higher demand for B2C transportation, creating challenges for urban distribution and upstream supply networks. Various sustainable transport strategies have been proposed to mitigate the impact of freight movement. However, these strategies must balance economic, environmental, and social considerations. A recent study evaluates a sustainable distribution strategy based on collaborative …

A Generic Modelling Framework for Last-Mile Delivery Systems

A new study presents a generic modeling framework that integrates agent-based models (ABM), specifically HUMAT and MASS-GT, to address the complexity of last-mile delivery (LMD) systems. This framework simulates and evaluates the dynamics of urban goods flow across different cities, focusing on consumer behavior and delivery logistics, which are crucial for optimizing LMD strategies. Key …

Amsterdam starts Park + Switch hub for service engineers

Social media exploded over Amsterdam’s trial with a “klushub.” In the Piet Heingarage, a pilot project called Park + Switch Amsterdam is being launched as a transfer point where entrepreneurs can park their vehicles and switch to electric ones. Online blog GeenStijl commented on the hub: “This pie-in-the-sky idea, dreamed up by desk-jockey bureaucrats, is almost as …