SPOTLOG: Green and Socially resPOnsible ciTy Logistics InnovaTions

SPOTLOG aims to involve local communities in creating socially responsible logistics systems, based wherever possible on zero-carbon modes, by using all available resources and taking advantage of the digitalisation of goods and passenger transport services.

SPOTLOG partners aim to improve regional policy instruments toward the European goals of inclusive and carbon-neutral mobility by focusing on low-density communities and medium-sized cities.

SPOTLOG addresses multiple practical and policy aspects of last-mile logistics support and comprehensively assesses urban logistic impacts on society. Based on a multidisciplinary consortium with heterogeneous backgrounds, SPOTLOG will focus on seven different Policy Instruments and will:

• Share knowledge and spot good practices regarding innovative ways of efficient logistical distribution and zero-carbon modes

• Promote stakeholder trust for better inter-sector collaboration (e.g., by fostering cooperation between passenger transport and logistics companies, distributors, and local commerce).

• Build professional capacity in planning and impact assessment of the various solutions and improving the adequacy of the legislative framework and sustainable mobility plans.

SPOTLOG objectives

SPOTLOG brings together 13 partners from Central Portugal, Italy, Poland, Latvia, Finland, Belgium, France ,and Romania. SPOTLOG also includes two Discovery Partners from Ukraine  and the Republic of Moldova:

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