Paris realising the largest European urban farm

Cultivate has won a tender from the City of Paris to deploy one of Europe’s largest urban farms, an unmatched urban food ecosystem of 7.000 square meters ranging from seed to table to local supermarket shelves. The project is sitting on a new generation logistics building in Paris.

The 7.000m2 site, near Montmartre, will comprise a high-tech hydroponic 1200 sqm state of the art glass greenhouse, which will be heated by a local data center. The project will also feature a 1200 sqm permacultural land field, 1200 sqm event space, a farm-to-table restaurant, and a local grocery store. We will local shops, chefs, schools and Parisians supermarkets. This project is just a starter and will be duplicated in Paris, France, and internationally.


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