The past months, 20 URBACT Action Planning Networks, 200 European cities are wrapping up 2 years of common work and introducing their results to a broader audience. Inspired by European exchanges, each city developed Integrated Action Plans based on the URBACT method. The plan brings together different facets of the issue – social, economic and environmental.
The Freight TAILS network published the Final Report: ‘Managing urban freight more effectively: A guide to getting started and planning actions.’
The Freight TAILS final report is an online document targeted at city authorities and other freight stakeholders who are interested in developing a set of actions that reduce the negative impacts of urban freight transport.
The report answers the central question ‘How can I make freight transport more effective in my city’, based on the experiences of the 10 cities involved in the Freight TAILS project, who asked themselves the exact same question in 2015.
Read the whole report here.