Monthly archives: January, 2025

Does paying more for parking lead to less traffic? Never underestimate the market!

Cities are becoming increasingly crowded. Keeping them livable and accessible is a major challenge. Cars, in particular, occupy a significant amount of the scarce urban space. That’s why municipalities aim to encourage residents and visitors to travel differently—by raising parking fees. If you want to park in downtown Amsterdam (NL), you’ll pay €7.50 per hour, …

The future of food service logistics in cities

One of the causes of congested city centers is the increase in traffic movements for catering supply. According to a study by Topsector Logistiek, the more than 52,000 food and beverage establishments in the Netherlands receive an average of up to twelve weekly deliveries. Governments are implementing zero-emission zones and delivery time windows to reduce …

Sustainable last mile alternatives: influencing factors and willingness to use in US

E-commerce deliveries have experienced substantial growth over the past decade, leading to increased environmental impacts. As e-commerce expands, it becomes critical to integrate sustainability into its operations, particularly in last-mile deliveries. A recent study explores the factors influencing consumer decision-making when choosing delivery options. Using stated preference data collected in the United States, respondents evaluated …