Monthly archives: April, 2019
Join the call for zero emission freight vehicles

We are very excited to share with you the Call for Zero Emission Freight Vehicles. Developed by TDA’s Community of Interest on Urban Freight, this call aims to accelerate the uptake of clean freight vehicles. TDA will collect signatures of stakeholders planning to transition to zero emission freight vehicles and promote this call so more vehicle …
MIT Research: why do drivers not follow planned routes in last-mile delivery

Last-mile delivery optimization is complex. Companies are implementing TMS-tools to include customer-specific or other constraints such as time windows and congestion patterns in their last-mile delivery plans. But, what if drivers do not follow the planning information provided by the routing tools in TMS systems.
July 16-18: EcommerceWiki Week in Amsterdam (NL)

On July 16-18 2019, join the Ecommerce Foundation and the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (NL) on its event EcommerceWiki Week. It is a 3-day refresher course and summer academy in an Amsterdam. Get practical knowledge and insights about ecommerce with experts in their fields, on how to: attract new customers, convert them and how to make …
PIONEER project: Physical Internet for e-commerce retail

The Physical Internet (PI) is a future vision for fully open and connected logistics networks, in which physical, digital, operational and financial interconnectivity are central. Research has shown that PI offers opportunities for more efficient, bundled and shared, and sustainable logistics, also in urban areas.
ITF: commercial vehicle on-board safety systems

A ITF report analyses the impacts of increased automation of the driving task for road freight transport. It investigates the technology options from platooning to full autonomy and examines necessary policy responses. Focusing on the underlying regulatory frameworks, it asks how existing approaches can be maintained and when and how solutions will be needed.