Monthly archives: March, 2018
IOC UK: can parcel porters help reduce CO2 emissions?
Review of last mile logistics innovations in an external cost reduction vision

Urban freight is causing problems in urban areas. Cities need solutions to reduce externalities costs such as congestion, pollution and others. A new paper presents a review of the recent scientific literature contributions on innovative strategies for last mile logistics, focusing on externalities cost reduction.
How can smart initiatives stimulate more efficient parcel deliveries?

City logistics makes an important contribution to the quality of life that people experience in cities. The liveability of cities is under pressure, partly caused by growing number of ‘last mile’ E-commerce deliveries. Various (f)actors involved in the last mile have led to smart initiatives in the sector.
Construction Consolidation Centres: how to make them successful?

The SUCCESS project targeted the construction industry as a sector with a major impact on city logistics which has an un-exploited potential of improvement as regards the efficiency of trips associated with the delivery of goods, waste and service in EU cities. The SUCCESS project goal is to provide tools and answers to the challenges …
Construction logistics optimization: this is how it’s done

Construction is a necessity to create attractive and sustainable cities. However, the transport of goods and personnel to construction sites disturbs residents, businesses and road users. The CIVIC project is focused on how can we mitigate the negative impact through dialog, logistics optimization and smart governance?
August 20-24: Urban Logistics Summer School in Antwerps (B)

Interested in an intensive immersion into the world of urban logistics? Interested to follow an introductory module covering all aspects of urban logistics (August 20-24, 2018) and an optional assignment elaboration week (August 27-31)? Interested to focus on innovation and sustainability in urban logistics in all its facets?
Research: how can we use revenu management in last-mile delivery?

New opportunities arise to design profitable last-mile delivery strategies. In particular, companies can influence customer behavior by choosing the lead-times or time-slots that are offered (capacity controls) and as well as their associated fees (pricing controls). These decisions ultimately seek to balance the capacity utilization and increase the profitability of the delivery operation.
Urbelog project: large gap between needs of operators and government strategies
Research in London: ICT for sustainable parcel deliveries

A new research paper from the UK present a vision of how ICT can be leveraged to help combat the impact on pollution, congestion and carbon emissions contributed by the parcel delivery sector. This is necessary given the growth in parcel deliveries, especially same-day deliveries, and light commercial vehicles and the need to inform initiatives for cleaner city …