Monthly archives: January, 2018
Decision-support for stakeholder involvement in urban freight policies

A new research paper by Michela Le Pira et. al. addresses the complex problem of multi-stakeholder decisions in urban freight transport policy-making from a public authority perspective, by proposing a procedure based on a modelling approach to support stakeholder involvement in the decision making process.
Research: crowdsourced delivery has the potential to make the last-mile more efficient

The trend towards shorter delivery lead-times reduces operational efficiency and increases transportation costs for internet retailers. Mobile technology, however, creates new opportunities to organize the last-mile. In a paper from 2016 researchers from Erasmus University (NL) study the concept of crowdsourced delivery that aims to use excess capacity on journeys that already take place to …
The rise of on-demand ‘Instant Deliveries’ in European cities

The demand for instant deliveries has existed for some time but until recently was seen as a niche service in areas such as urgent document or pizza deliveries. The rise in e-commerce and the changing habits of consumers has resulted in a dramatic change in the demand for instant deliveries and also a major increase in available services …
Webinar on City Logistics in Amsterdam (NL)
Evaluating the impact of using cargo cycles in city logistics

The European Commission has promoted actions and policies with the aim of reducing the negative impacts on traffic and environment caused by city logistics. One increasingly popular measure is the use of cargo bikes in city logistics due to their improved energy efficiency, lower emissions and lower traffic disturbance.