Monthly archives: December, 2017
Urban freight options for deliveries to nanostores in megacities

City logistics will become more complex and costly. The demand for city logistics grows because of urbanization. Most urbanization takes place in emerging economies leading, amongst others, to the rapid emergence of highly dense megacities. Research by Vrije Universiteit Brussels (B) looks at alternative urban freight options for deliveries to megacities
April 23-24: CIVITAS Urban Freight Conference in Brussels (B)

The EU-funded CITYLAB, NOVELOG, SUCCESS, U-TURN projects join forces and invite professionals to the CIVITAS Urban Freight Conference on April 23 and 24 in Brussels (B). The conference is interactive event including presentations, posters and exhibitions, breakout and training sessions, workshops and awards.
Data stories from urban loading bays
Urban logistics planning: lessons learned for the UK and Scandinavia

A new paper looks on common practices in current urban logistics planning in Scandinavia and the UK, and the degree to which SUTP (Sustainable Urban Transport Plan), SUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans) and SULP (Sustainable Urban Logistics Plans). It is found that urban freight plans are used more frequently in the UK than in the Scandinavian …
Five must read reports on city logistics from 2017
What were the findings of the Roland Berger Urban Logistics Convention 2017?
Are cargo bike networks for city logistics really more expensive?

It’s the 1 mln dollar question: are cargo bike network for city logistics really more expensive? Antwerps (B) researcher Jochen Maes, says yes. A new simulation study by the same Antwerps University, based on different delivery scenarios for certain areas, presents new perspectives by taking a more holistic approach.
Everything you always wanted to know about cargo bikes…

In urban areas light goods are often delivered by heavy vehicles covering only short distances. This is problematic in sensitive inner city areas. The European project Cyclelogistics Ahead, a follow up on the first Cyclelogistics project in 2011, aims at reducing the negative impact of motorised urban freight.
Cities urge EU to mandate safer truck designs to cut road deaths

A group of 18 major European cities have written to Commission President Juncker urging him to prioritise road safety by mandating a direct vision standard for trucks as soon as possible. Cities such as London, Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Brussels and Copenhagen are re-designing existing roads and cutting vehicle speeds but say they cannot be successful “if …