Monthly archives: November, 2017
Dutch Wehkamp starts with delivery on cargo bikes
Swedish Velove is testing a cargo bike with a fuel cell with a 300 km range

Swedish Velove is testing a cargo bike with fuel cell with a 300 km range. The Velove Armadillo is a high capacity cargo bike that is narrow, agile and fast enough to be used on bike lanes, with great ergonomics and that is a pleasure to ride. Useful features for city logistics such as silky smooth …
EU study: strong post-2020 CO2 regulations for vehicles beneficial

An in-depth study on the design options of the post-2020 CO2 regulations for vehicles concludes that all targets asessed will have large net financial benefits for society and result in much lower costs for vehcile users. The study, Assessment of the Modalities for LDV CO2 Regulations beyond 2020 carried out for the European Commission by CE Delft, TNO and …
Sweden: municipal co-distribution of goods
European Parliament demands ‘direct vision’ standards for trucks

Members of the European Parliament have called for standards of ‘direct vision’ – attuned to different truck types – to be proposed by the European Commission when it overhauls vehicle safety rules early next year. Direct vision standards will set out the area surrounding a truck cab the driver must be able to see without using …
Good construction logistics: this is how it’s done

Construction works have environmental, safety and congestion impacts on the road network. It will also have impacts on the surrounding community. The impacts can vary depending on the size, timescale and location of the development and, for larger developments that may take many years to construct, the construction phase can have a greater impact than the …
UPS: last mile e-commerce challenges require public-private collaboration

The growth of e-commerce has helped spur development in the logistics sector for warehousing, sorting, transporting and delivering goods. But urban areas present unique challenges in that regard, and many logistics companies are worried how that plays into business growth and sustainability, according to a recent UPS and GreenBiz survey.